Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just For The Stimulation Of It

I am a huge fan of the show The Office. I find it to be one of the funniest sitcoms/mockumentaries I've ever seen. The subtle humor, the face drama, all of it. Quite enjoyable and not for the weak-of-mind (some people just don't get it. Of course, I don't get "gaming" either, so perhaps I am weak of, um, nerdiocity?).

Anyway, in Season Two there is an episode called The Fire, in which the smoke alarms go off and the occupants of the building must stand outside until the source is discovered and extinguished. During their stint outside, they play a couple games including, "Who Would You Do?" and "Desert Island." To play Desert Island, you simply name five things of a certain category that you would take with you on a deserted island. That's it.

But the underlying reason is to stimulate some conversation. I am a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and while my soont-to-be four year-old is quite precocious, especially verbally, I don't quite get all the intelligent conversation that I require. I like to ask, and be asked, questions and get, and give, thought-out, articulate answers.

So, if you've read this far you are ready to play. Even when the posts get old, feel free to add your comments/answers/suggestions. One rule: Don't bash anyone else's choices. You know, do unto others and all that.

So, let's go.

1 comment:


Music - something by the Beatles

Movie - Star Wars

Companion - (If not my spouse) Natalie Portman